“Halloween Jam”

1 minute read

This event’s date and venue has been changed to Saturday, January 13th at The Lansdowne. Please see this page for more details.

Why is this change happening? December 9th is also the day of a Spurs game day. Antwerp Arms is (understandably) prioritizing that game day over my party, so Antwerp Arms cancelled my booking.


Penguin the Duck and I are organizing a Halloween Jam. This is Penguin:



The jam will take place on December 9th, 2023 from 12:00pm BST - 5:00pm BST at Antwerp Arms, at 168-170 Church Rd, London N17 8AS.

Antwerp Arms is one of the 2 community cooperative pubs (N.B. this is not a worker-coop) that I identified in London. It has over 430 shareholders. Each shareholder is entitled to no more than one vote, irrespective of how many shares she has. Over the past 20 years, many community-coop pubs in London have come undone. Through this event, Penguin and I hope to connect various humans and support democratic economic planning.


  • Please RSVP by December 2rd, 2023 5:55 pm BST.
  • You can bring any non-humans if the pub allows it (please check with the pub; some of my relatives have cat phobia, so please don’t bring cats). You can bring all humans. If you have flatmates who would otherwise do nothing that day, I would recommend you bring them. Also, if you see any homeless people, you can offer to them to come.
  • I will pay for all your food and drink. If you want to support this get-together in anyway, then please consider making a contribution to any migrant justice organization. I know a few, and some members from such organizations are likely to attend.
  • Penguin likes this song
  • This is Penguin’s friend. Please don’t make fun of him. drawing